Cyberbullying is a form of bullying that takes place online or makes use of technology to deliberately intimidate or threaten someone. It can occur by one person acting alone or include several people. Cyberbullying can cause a significant amount of distress and have a negative impact on someone’s emotional and mental wellbeing.
In ‘Offline’ we see that Ava has no physical contact with anybody from school, as most of the action takes place through Ava’s phone. This is an example of cyberbullying. Bullying and can happen anywhere including online, at home or at school.
Examples of bullying could also include
Being called nasty names, teased or humiliated
Being physically hurt, pushed or hit
Being ignored, excluded or made to feel like you're not wanted
Being threatened, intimidated or sent nasty messages
Posting, commenting on or liking photos, videos or posts about you online
Having money or personal belongings stolen
Spreading rumours or starting group chats about you
Trolling you or commenting on your posts or pictures saying nasty things
Someone revealing personal details without your permission
Targeting you over and over again in an online game.
Help is only a Choice away.
Depending on what choices you made during ‘Offline’ you may have noticed that In the film Ava and her mum decide to call the police to seek help, but you maybe wondering why the police? While most bullying isn't against the law, you should be able to talk to the police if someone has committed a crime against you, including:
Sharing or threatening to share a naked image of you without your permission
Sexually or physically assaulting you
Being violent towards you
Stealing things from you
Committing a hate crime i.e bullying you because of your race, gender or sexual identity, or if you have a disability
However, you could also talk to responsible adults such as:
family members
a member of staff at school.
You could also talk to:
Ditch the label
Young Minds
Click one of the buttons below to access more information.
What if you recognise your own behaviour
as bullying?
It can be difficult to come to terms with our own behaviour and choices. Especially if we know what we are doing is wrong or having a negative impact on somebody else. But that is exactly why we should acknowledge it and change it. Everyone has the power to make better choices and change their behaviour so why not start now? You can do this by:
Recognise what you're doing is bullying
Stop whatever you were doing to bully someone
Don’t stay in group chats with people who are bulling, even if you don’t participate you are still encouraging other people and engaging with negative behaviour
Encourage others to stop bullying too
Seek from help from an individual/organisation listed above.
How can you help and support someone
who is being bullied?
You have the power to empower others. So why not start today? You can do this by:
Reassure the person being bullied that it’s not their fault
Shift the focus away from bullying by distracting them with positive conversations or doing something fun together
Report acts of bullying to a responsible adult, such as: Parents, Carers, Guardians or a member of staff at school or any of the other individuals/organisations listed above.
Encourage others to support the person being bullied.
What is Sexting?
Sexting is sending, receiving, or forwarding sexually explicit messages, pictures or videos to someone else through the use of a digital device.
Consequences of Sexting
It is natural to want to explore your sexuality and sending pictures can feel like a safe way to do that, however there are several dangers and risks that you need to be aware of:
Once you have sent somebody a “nude” of yourself, you have no control over what that person does with that image.
If like in ‘Offline’ somebody decides to share your images with other people, it could place you a very uncomfortable situation, resulting in people tormenting and bullying you.
Sexting can have sever emotional consequences and can leave you feeling humiliated, ashamed, embarrassed and hopeless.
It could even affect friendships, future relationships or leave you at risk of becoming objectified.
Sending sexual images of anyone under the age of 18 (even if it is, of yourself) is in the eyes of the law an offence. It is classed as distributing an indecent image of a child.
In some cases it can result in people facing criminal charges for child pornography or having to register as a sex offender. Anyone over the age of 18 can be prosecuted and placed on the sex offenders register if they are in possession of an explicit image of a young person under the age of 18- even if the young person has given their permission.
Sent a Nude?
If you regret having sent a “nude” to someone you could ask the person to delete your image and watch them do it.
You could talk to someone you trust like a responsible adult.
Have your Nudes been shared online?
If your nudes have been shared online here is what to do: ​
Call the police
Tell a teacher if the person who shared/posted it is from your school.
You could also untag yourself from the photo, report the image so it can be removed and then report the person who posted it.
But always start by making a responsible adult aware of what has happened. This can help provide that extra added support so you don’t feel alone.
Looking after your Mental and Emotional Wellbeing
You are not alone. You don’t have to suffer in silence. Help is only a choice away.
If you are or have been experiencing any negative thoughts as a result of bullying and you don’t feel like your usual self, talk to someone. By opening up to someone about how you’re feeling can help to take the weight off your shoulders and give you a sense of relief. Make sure you confide in a responsible adult or someone you trust.
Top tips on looking after your
Mental and Emotional Wellbeing
Eat well
Stay hydrated
Keep active with 30 minutes of exercise each day
Get plenty of sleep (8 hours)
Take up a new hobby, sport or activity
Talk to a responsible adult or someone you trust about your feelings
Take a break: Limit how much time you spend on your phone and social media
Spend more with around people who make you feel happy and good about yourself